The integrations between bounded contexts can be plotted on a context map. It’s less expensive to duplicate particular functionality than to collaborate and integrate it. The service provider implements a published language-a model optimized for its consumers’ needs. The consumer translates the service provider’s model into a model that fits the consumer’s needs. The consumer conforms to the service provider’s model.
The integration contract is defined as a compiled library that is referenced by both bounded contexts. The following patterns define different ways bounded contexts can be integrated: Partnershipīounded contexts are integrated in an ad hoc manner. Hence, it simplifies the consumer’s ubiquitous language and model.īounded contexts are not independent. With an anticorruption layer, the changes in the supplier’s model only affect the translation mechanism.įrom the modeling perspective, the translation of the supplier’s model isolates the downstream consumer from foreign concepts that are not relevant to its bounded context. When the supplier’s contract changes often, and the consumer wants to protect its model from such frequent changes. This is often the case with integration with legacy systems. If a bounded context conforms to a mess, it risks becoming a mess itself. When the upstream model is bad or inconvenient. A core subdomain’s model requires extra attention, and adhering to the supplier’s model might impede the modeling of the problem domain. When the downstream bounded context contains a core subdomain. The anticorruption layer pattern addresses scenarios in which it is not desirable or worth the effort to conform to the supplier’s model, such as: We will divide the patterns into three groups, each representing a type of team collaboration: cooperation, customer–supplier, and separate ways. These patterns are driven by the nature of collaboration between teams working on bounded contexts. In this chapter, you will learn about domain-driven design’s patterns for defining relationships and integrations between bounded contexts. Which language will be used for integration purposes? These integration concerns should be addressed by the solution’s design. Also, by definition, two bounded contexts are using different ubiquitous languages. Since each contract affects more than one party, they need to be defined and coordinated. The need for contracts results from differences in bounded contexts’ models and languages. As a result, there will always be touchpoints between bounded contexts. Although their implementations can evolve independently, they have to integrate with each other. A system cannot be built out of independent components the components have to interact with one another to achieve the overarching system goals. That said, bounded contexts are not independent. Moreover, models in different bounded contexts can be evolved and implemented independently. Another bounded context can represent the same business entities, but model them for solving a different problem. A language in one bounded context can model the business domain for the solving of a particular problem. The boundary divides the responsibility of languages. You cannot build a model without specifying its purpose-its boundary. Not only does the bounded context pattern protect the consistency of a ubiquitous language, but it also enables modeling.